Tag / Education

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  • Paper Switches

    Series of paper switches I designed for the second part of the e-luminated paper circuits workshop at SFCB. I used the Silhouette to pre-cut paper samples that students could use in the workshop to learn about some of the possibilities.The sampler as constructed by one of the class participants Spin switch Tab switch Push Switch…

  • Interactive Accessories

    A few weeks ago I worked on a project with NuVu, a design school in Boston that is geared around multidisciplinary and collaborative projects. I was working with students in the “Interactive Fashion Studio”at ASB Mumbai, NuVu’s partner school in India. We started the week questioning what interactive means, and looking at how fashion can…

  • e-luminated books part 2

    This weekend we ran part 2 of the e-luminated books workshop at San Francisco Center for the book. This part was focused on interactivity -embedding sensors and switches into books, as wells as designing programs for the Attiny85. It was a lot of fun and will be happening again in June! If you haven’t taken…

  • Back from Bhutan

    So I’ll have to admit it is actually going on 2 whole months since I arrived back from Bhutan, but I had such an inspiring time that I had to share the experience. I went to Bhutan to work on the first ever Bhutan International Festival (BhIF) to help install an interactive simulation of the…

  • All *new* bingo design

    Update: we’ve remade the Arduino Error Bingo. Doesn’t it look fab? I made a few design changes that make it easier to use and more like the Arduino IDE, and also made some spaces for students to add errors that are not in the grid. Tried and tested by some very happy Arduino Error Champions.…

  • Knitting Program: bitKNIT

    Almost 10 months ago to the day I started a blog called “Processing Processing”. I started it to document the process of learning the visual programming language, Processing. My first post, published on February 16th 2014, lists 10 reasons why I wanted to start to learn to program. Reasons like “because I like making stuff”,…

  • Circus-y disco e-luminated book

    Quite a long title for a tiny weeny book. This one was rather wonderful to make, and was programmed using a simple Arduino blinky pattern and the teeny-weeny-ATtiny. (so teeeeeeny) Here is the process: All the layers putting the pages together The lighting The control -including wonderful paper battery holder curtsy of Natalie Freed and…

  • San Francisco Center for the Book

    We held our second e-luminated book workshop at the SFCB this weekend. It was a really lovely and creative group -they experimented with light and switches and made some really beautiful tunnel books in a very short time. We’ll be teaching the same class again in the new year, and will also be teaching a…

  • Calm before the storm at the Lighthouse

    As I mentioned earlier I am teaching on the Summer Maker Camp at Lighthouse Community Charter School, in Oakland CA. The first 2 weeks of my teaching job at Lighthouse are dedicated to planning, preparing and developing the curriculum for the 5 week program, and we’ve just finished! The most challenging part of the preparation…

  • Maker Ed Maker Corps

    Maker Ed is a non-profit based in the Bay Area. They are a sister company of Maker Media (Make Magazine, Maker Faire) and work to support making in schools. I recently applied for Maker Ed’s spring teacher training and teaching position called “Maker Corps”, and got selected! We, the “Maker Corps Members”, spend 6 weeks…

  • Nexmap book hack

    I recently had the absolute pleasure of taking part in a daylong book-hack (a boohackathon?). It was hosted by Nexmap, a San Francisco based arts-tech company who are currently developing a series of hackable journals for schools. I spent the day discussing and making books with an group of creatives, including friend and collaborator Natalie…

  • Roller up, roller up!

    Another snippet of the awesome print-sans-press project I am working on with Marsh Shaw. Marsha is an extremely knowledgeable print-maker, and it is very inspiring to be working with her!

  • Stitching Circuits

    Another tricky part of the process was connecting to the pins -i.e. making a breakout board for conductive thread. After a skype “consultation” with Seb and Hannah, who both work on a really exciting glove project and are experts in e-textiles, I decided to solder wires to the live pins, and then padded them with…

  • Craft Connects

    I am working on the Craft Connects residency in a library in Hampshire. The residency is all about connecting communities through craft, and I have been based at Farnborough Library (a colourful, bustling, learning space). I am making a giant pop-up book with different community groups. The book will be larger than life, have a…

  • Paper Potentiometer

    What? I know. It is a mouthful, and also known as a pot (as this website points out in jest). Anyway, I made one today (yes *made*). This makes me very happy, because through the process of making a potentiometer, I now know how they actually work (rather than the vague understanding I had before).…

  • Sign Poetry

    Whilst we are on the subject of drawing; I met a fascinating artist the other week at the RWA Drawn exhibition. Her name is Kyra Pollitt. Kyra is an artist and sign language interpreter, and she is currently researching at the University of Bristol into ways of representing sign poetry through mark-making. She was hosting a sign…

  • Dibujo Madrid

    Every Tuesday for the past 3 years a group of artists have been curating Dibujo Madrid, an awesome performance-illustration platform in Lavapies, Madrid. The event is simple, take a life drawing class, and instead of drawing still models in the nod, draw performance artists making a weird and wonderful show for 2 hours. It’s based…

  • Happy New Year from India!

    HAPPY 2013 everyone! Just a quick post before I head further south to start the long anticipated residency in Shoranur. I am slowly getting used to the wonderfully full-of-colours-busy-topsy-turvy lifestyle in India. I arrived in Kolkata a week ago, and was met by my wonderful host Georgie from Sound Travels. I have spent most of…

  • Indian Shadow Puppetry

    At the start of next year I will go on a research trip to to India. I will carry out research into the history and cultural context of shadow puppetry and crafts in a number of places in India. [image: Ramachandra Pulvar] This will include spending 3 weeks with puppeteer Ramachandra Pulvar in Kerala. Pulvar is from a…

  • Watershed Day of the Dead Workshop

    Recently I worked with Watershed’s producer Hannah Higginson, and Fresh Flix to develop workshops for their engagement programme. I facilitated a Day of the Dead shadow-puppet-stop-motion-animation workshop, held after a screening of Corpse Bride. The workshop was a lot of fun! There were about 20 creative small people between the age of 4 and 12, and also a great team…