Category / PRRRRRT
Soft synth jam session
We ran a soft synth jam session at the hackspace – it got a lot of interest from members so we might run another one soon. We assembled the Nom Nom Nand Nor 4093 PCBs and embeded them in “soft toys”. Set-up for jam – we hooked up the synths through a mixer so we…
PCB design
I’ve been designing Nom Nom Nand Nor circuit boards. They came back pretty. Next boards I’d like to experiment more with illustration – you can make custom shapes for the board. I also found out how to make the circuity curved so will try that too. Designed with Fritzing (open source hardware designer, which takes…
Nom Nom testing
Breadboarding the 4093 oscillator based on Nicolas Collins book. Using bike light to change frequency makes some squidgy sounds (?)
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