Month / September 2016

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  • Next steps

    It is hard to go into too much detail here how the learning process I went through on this programme has impacted the way I understand things around my, mainly because it has been so huge. But, now that the MA has finished (sob), I am starting to see how massively my way of approaching…

  • Hubs and Maps

    It happened. I am totally exhausted after working for 4 months on this research project, but also very awake. 12 thousands words, some tweaking on inDesign, and a bit of embroidery later and this book is a thing. The abstract: “In this study I explore how design processes can be used to connect students’ and…

  • An illustrated guide to embodied learning

    From the review of literature I conducted for my independent research project, here is an illustrated guide to embodied learning: Banking education Central to Paulo Freire’s discourse is his aversion to “banking” education, where learning is a process of transmission, and students are “containers” or “receptacles” to be “filled” with static knowledge by teachers who…

  • Goldsmiths Design Fest

    knotting~works Goldsmiths design festival was part of London Design week (which it turns out is London Design -fortnight- not week, but that is great because it means more cool events!). We (MA students) curated and installed a show for the festival, which was a chance to share the work we have been exploring over the…