Walking Tour
For the first Spaces and Practices session we were asked to make an alternative walking tour of Goldsmiths, a tour that would encourage visors to look at the space from a different perspective. I’ve included this in the Kit of Processes. I found the process of walking with intention (in this case making an alternative tour) a helpful way to encourage ideas. By connecting an intention with local environment and physical space in a transitional way (i.e in the process of walking), I felt that many ideas were explored and considered that would not have been in the class / lecture / studio setting.
At the time my head was fresh from Radical Pedagogies essay writing, and all I could think about was the information, ideas, and knowledge that is exchanged in the academic space. When I first visited Goldsmiths I had my head down in my phone. This made me think of making a tour-app for finding out information, ideas, and knowledge that are historically embedded in the university landscape. We find the locations where the ideas are physical memories in the space. Maybe it is a way of connecting the participant (of the app -I don’t like the word user) to the history of the space through the history of ideas.
Ideas as Architecture
Ideas in Collection
Ideas from People
Temporal Ideas