Tag / processing

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  • Knitting Program: bitKNIT

    Almost 10 months ago to the day I started a blog called “Processing Processing”. I started it to document the process of learning the visual programming language, Processing. My first post, published on February 16th 2014, lists 10 reasons why I wanted to start to learn to program. Reasons like “because I like making stuff”,…

  • Look I made a mug!

    I think it’s based on my worried-thinking-about-how-little-I-know mug. Yeah yeah, it’s really basic stuff, but helped me get to grips with drawing spatially. Here’s the process and the code I used: void setup (){ size (400, 500); background (255); } void draw () { //body stroke (0); fill (0); rect (0, 200, 400, 300); //face…

  • Learning processing?

    Hello and thank you for joining me on this journey into the vast world of computer programming. To start, I’m gonna write a little bit about why I am learning to code. I think it’s obvious why, but some people may not think it is so obvious, and ask questions like: “Why the hell are…