Tag / paper
Paper Switches
Series of paper switches I designed for the second part of the e-luminated paper circuits workshop at SFCB. I used the Silhouette to pre-cut paper samples that students could use in the workshop to learn about some of the possibilities.The sampler as constructed by one of the class participants Spin switch Tab switch Push Switch…
e-luminated books part 2
This weekend we ran part 2 of the e-luminated books workshop at San Francisco Center for the book. This part was focused on interactivity -embedding sensors and switches into books, as wells as designing programs for the Attiny85. It was a lot of fun and will be happening again in June! If you haven’t taken…
They Lay Beneath
Ew. Printed animations I made whilst in residence at Mission Grafica.
Glowing paper lanterns
A lot of fun was had making these silhouette-paper-lanterns at Farnham Festival of Crafts. We made simple circuits using coper tape, and a bit of conductive ink to glue (I mean *cold solder*) the components.
Under the sea
Last year I started playing around with paper circuits and well, I’ve started again. Yippee. I made this very simple pop-up-light to start with (making some of the rather marvellous folding techniques I have been practicing of late). I love the way the light throws the paper folds into it’s own world, it reminds me…
Paper Folding
I’ve been in valleys and up mountains of late. If only it were in contours of Cumbria, but alas, it is just on my desk through the folds of the A4 80gsm office paper. I’ve been trying my hand to this rather marvellous book. It really is amazing what you can make with some simple…
I’m back from Indian adventures! and thought what could be a good way to catch-up with some wonderfully talented friends, whilst sharing some of the creative inspiration I gathered in India? Why another craft night of course! This time it was with paper (you can see our previous craft night with gloves here). There were salads and…