Tag / folk
Gotta hand it to you
I am applying for some bits and bobs for next year (my current position ends in December -more about that soon). Anyway, I found this. A print I made in MARCH 2013. I made it when I got back from an India trip as a thank you card for the people I stayed with. My…
Animated prints
They Lay Beneath. The an animated print I am making at Mission Arts Cultural Center. Each animation is made from 18 separated prints of the same block.
Kerala Folklore Museum
The Museum of Folklore in Cochin is truly brilliant. It is filled to the brim with folk arts from Southern India. The museum was built 4 years ago, and is based on traditional South Indian temple architecture. It is beautiful. It houses just one man’s collection -24 years of kleptomania are well appreciated here, let’s…
Folk in Krakow
I recently attended the International Illustration Research Symposium in Krakow. The symposium is in it’s third year and the focus this time was The Function of Folk (the first year was all about shadow plays, how did I miss that?!). Above is Lotte (who we met at the conference, she was talking about her work),…