A Lamentable Tragedy
Site responsive theatre (2010)
We welcome you to Stokes Croft, 1836.
(We love you.)
We welcome you to the St James Fair.
(We lied.)
Come and play.
Wander freely.
Make your own stories.
Be part of your history.
A Lamentable Tragedy is a large scale site-responsive promenade performance based on historical findings local to Stokes Croft (in Bristol) made by The Wonder Club
Based in a disused Motor Cycle Showroom 12 performances allowed audiences of over 1800 to take part in a piece of non traditional theatre and for over 112 artists, performers and volunteers local to Stokes Croft to collaborate. I created and performed with a shadow-puppet-cart based on the Victorian organ grinder. Before we started building in the Motor Cycle Showrooms, it was being used to store pianos. There were many, many pianos. Pianos in the halls, street, bar, theatre, even in the puppets.
“The great thing about this show is that it feels embedded in its surroundings and draws on the work of local artists. There are shadow puppet sideshows, icy trees dangling tarot cards and foetuses, opportunities for the audience to audition to be Charles’s new leading lady, and wandering tricksters.”