Month / December 2014

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  • Student Projects

    The last 5 months have been incredibly busy for me. I have been teaching electronics and design at a high school in San Francisco. The last few weeks of the electronics class was a crash course in Arduino. Students designed interactive projects and made prototypes. The requirement was that their projects have an input and…

  • Knitting Program: bitKNIT

    Almost 10 months ago to the day I started a blog called “Processing Processing”. I started it to document the process of learning the visual programming language, Processing. My first post, published on February 16th 2014, lists 10 reasons why I wanted to start to learn to program. Reasons like “because I like making stuff”,…

  • New (g)logo

    Oh yes, this new logo GLOWS! Made on the Silhouette Cameo at my favorite makerspace in San Fransisco. If you too are fed up of being a free advert for multinational corporation and fancy make your own please check out my instructable for instructions. Let it glow let it glow let it glow (feeling christmassy?)…